Wednesday, July 1, 2009


yes, i shall rant about religion. the pros are, it gives you something to belong to.... gives you social status...gets you friends.... for one, i like religion, i like have roots to belong to..... everything is so messed up that yes, sometimes religion can be a good distraction.
lets now shift the conversation to god, mr.G aka prick aka man with the last laugh. god god god, one heck of a guy, and i know its a guy and not a gal cause, if god were a woman.....ektu maya'r bhaab dekhajeto. so god is man. and self indulgent. i bet the guy was bored..... some nebula's and stars he was playing with..... and pooof came man..... for the first couple o times i suppose we were like pets... a lil pat here and a lil pat there, we'd be happy. then god grew a conscience..... and we grew horny. where there were say 13, now are 13million. poor guy, might have just gone to take a whiz and comes back to a booming infestation. i bet he was looking for a baygon/raid/hit ka phus phus can, but i guess god didn't invent everything. stuck with his science experiment, he was. what to do what to do. this whole bunch of people he was not ready for..... not expecting.
but the best thing god could have done, and probably mistakenly also did, was make us "humans" in "his image", this means we had lil o god in us..... not the power say, but the creator mentality. the destroyer mentality. the sustain-er mentality. we were mental. then us human did something that put god off the hook for ever. we invented new demi gods...... cause one god is not enough.... he needs his minions...and not everyone has the same god..... how can we.... we look different... our gods should therefore also look different. so we go, our god is this..... they go our god is that, then there are some that say... our gods are those.
mr.G see this opportunity, full on skirmish. he made us look one way, and dissolved in to the other.
aah fuck it.
we are men. humans i mean, left on this planet to survive. yes we need things to hold on to. customs to carry out. that part i like.....wearing the sacred tread, yes its scared and yes it is also the best scratching instrument ever made. ever! i mean it. sacrifices are made...... people now go.... oooo you should not have killed that goat for a sacrifice..... not cool anymore. has anyone asked the poor old goat, that was probably any way was going to be slaughtered for food, now it has a reason for its death other than gluttony. its death has some meaning. and that mother was fed royally the last few days. i am not saying sacrifices are cool.... i am just sayin if the fucker was going to be hacked, might as well get something out of it, am sure the goat wouldn't mind...... isn't it the survival of the fittest.
i think the time for god is at an end, i don't mean it in that way. its just that i have much more faith in certain individuals than i have in god.
we need more such individuals to steer us right. but first we need to purify ourselves...... i have seen people who are shit scared of god, thats cause they did something to be shit scared about....... so for them if you take god out of the also take the guilt out. people mostly deserve what happens to them. and if they don't they learn from it. everything has meaning. it must. but tai bole hore ram hore krishno....... uh uh not happenin.
i am a conflicted individual. i have do stupid pronams as i pass a mondir mom used to pronam at, and i wonder do i do it because of god, or because mom used to do it. i do pujo on durga pujo. but most importantly i know when the fault is ours, rather than blaming it on an all powerfull duche.
so god..... i get you, i don believe in you per se. i see you have mind tricks going around, unfair...... but when have you played fairly. so yeah, go off to another planet and start it all over, and see if you can get it right this time.


Llama said...

Mr. God,

I wish you'd pack off all your I-can-change-the-world and mess-with-your-life plans and crash into some sea in the Bermuda triangle and pop up somewhere else.

And I hope that some really hungry shark who's troubled by the rising levels of water pollution decides to do away with you. JAWS SALVATION it will be then.


@ Coffee
Awesome post.

causticji said...

You state complex issues with mind-blowing simplicity. What I'd like to add though is this - for some, actually many people, faith is important so the non-believers need to be tolerant.

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

hahaha,baygon phus phus,that cracked me up totally....but besh amazing post..good writing too...for Mr G. its probably a game.i wud have done the same if i was with the ants.put zippo fuel on them and leave them to misery...he exists i know for all that the world is,but the faith in him,thats quite questionable.....
yes,the poite is an amazing scratching tool,till i had it though... :)