bond.... james bond boy have i grown up hearin a lotta that... on this particular occasion..... whilst "crazy shooting"
*this means during another load shedding thanks to my ups and mp3 player i was still having a good time.....full volume in the rain good time.....i could prolly make a list of the things i'd wanted at that time.......listenin to hinder - lips of an angle..... sigh...... the light was gone......but the fire still burnt and the music too.... talk abt drifting from the point..... well alone in a dark room......rain pelting outside... puddles turn to ponds.......walks in hip deep water to find my bleeding cat......getting cuts and bites for keepin it dry while escort "him" to "my" house.... sheesh i just keep on n any ways there i was so i kinda stuffed my face into a lamp shade.....and whaddya know.....i get m first bond face......... minus the gun tho..... but a proud moment none the less pride.........hell of a movie!!!
dont hate the payer hate the game
Dreamy is 30 years old
7 years ago
This is a bond face????!!!!!!! bond f*ckin face??!!!!.....
........and sigh!.u love ur cat too much!!!
*Har-har,i know the deep secret!!*
dude.....comin from you.....
* black woman * yo mama *snap fingers giggle ass...the whole package*
You have a pointed nose.I envy you.
and the song is really good..
pointed nose.... :P thats a first... altho cia has quite a likin poity noses....ask him!
shit!u took that pic?
oh and i was wondering,since u like photography,u mite find this blog interesting.
hit upon it a day back:)
@ onn
shit as in good or will do on the second one
shit,as in,woah!kudos!that kind of shit!
@ onn
ohk :P
Still sorry about the mess in your apartment. Damn thing was all over my shirt and pants too and I was too high to actually realize it.
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