Wednesday, December 10, 2008

i had kfc could well have been my last kfc with all ten fingers :(
i nearly chopped off my finger today.... i mean i believe in karma and all.... but this is personal ... ever been hurt so much that the pain just goes away.....its just not there anymore....
i nearly lost apart of a finger today... still i blog.... but since i know its to get sympathy... its all worth it.... shower me with lowe :D
but really.... it hurts..... got a tetanus shot ... not good.... the dude looked at me when i flinched... i suppose he didn' expect either of two things....... the flinch....of the tattoo..... its a reaction i guess... specially when its a doctor.... just that kid across the counter.....
it throbs now.... i be on antibiotics.... fingers eh.... my life

for all those gore fans....i include the picture.... its pretty nicely concealed.... do get in-touch for more blood :D


~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

more blood *wag wag* more blood.gimme gimme gore.

why is entire post linked to the picture.?

coffee stain said...

i dunno...i can't control the right hand... something happend... abar change korbo ... sigh

loony girl said...

ouchi hoyeche rishir hand-e!!! shala let all spartans unite and avenge the blood spilled of our sistah!!!

Pranaadhika Sinha Devburman - Bat said...

awwwwwww my likkle baby otty....

but like polly said.... and TEACH Nunku this.... he MUST learn ---- ,

two for the pinky

one for the stinky

n the bloody one didnt have much of a role to play there cept to be dormantly folded :D