water they say is the best cure. drink lots of it. it takes care of the system for you. keepin it real....keepin it clean. that was when water was pure.
purity, is a concept long gone. a filthy race. gluttony sloth pride greed, heh lust oh damn lust, envy for the most parts and wrath really dosen't matter if you are involved or not, its a participation thing. attendance compulsory, participation must. willing-ness is a non issue. its in the contract. fine print, invariably int he lines we choose to skip.
i haven't spun like this in a while. all this after about 6 liters of filtered filth ridden waters. oh what goes into the rivers and streams. so while i sit here head heavy without thought and feeling, i try to compute if the water will eventually clear the system which i believe i have a mission to destroy.
pandemic is when it happens all over the world, and believe you me h1n1 is the least of your worries. we all fall sick. i generally have been able to cope with it. but this i think is the new shit kicking in, we evolve, we all evolve. its not hit me yet, but its only a matter of time, only that day i felt a tremor, oh how i wish there were ghosts.
Dreamy is 30 years old
7 years ago
Ive been telling people about this for a very very long time.The End of the world is near and all that.Armageddon.And i shall live. within the fire and the turmoil.And I shall fight.To earth!!
salute ,
you and the other roaches :D
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