hmm........what did i do today.....boy oh boy....not much....saw a coupla movies.......and saw bangladesh crush india's last hopes........and did somting that i hadn'd done in a while..... i rang the bell to my house.........yeah....sounds silly...........more insane when no one but you lives there.....
i can't remember the last time i did actually ring the bell......i was distraught and aware of this seemingly harmless anomoly..........then it sank in.....was i lonely??? was i.....i mean i could be......nah......meeee........ well this was ,to be accurate, 10 secs of my entire day......see i am what i would like to call an eternal optimist......the always was and always will be kind......the kind which knows life is goin no where........but oh hell.......lets have a lil fun while we'r at it..........some people say this life leads no where.........but what if it at this stage will begin to understand that i have the gift of the gab....and srtangely enough......i can and have mixed with every kind of person possible.......when i say person i mean has shown me lots.........loud mouth some which i point out.......why you readin it then punk??!!
well anyways comin back to the topic from which i will occasionally deviate.....which was the ringing of the bell....the habit had tagged long after my family left....i dunno why.....but i guess i always expected someone to come home to.......or now...something.......hey i has its pro's and con's......wel more pro's actually.......but hey i miss em.......miss mom.....miss the pain in the ass lil brother.......and missed dad......which i though i'd never have a problem with.......but hey.....everyone misses people....thats why we strive for them and look forward to meet them.
well i so confidently ruled out, reason being that my grandma's in town and she had been livin with as to keep an eye on me.........hence i deduced that i didn't ring the bell because of anyother reason other than the expectation of granny to answer the door........but still i did ring the bell fully aware no one was in the house....and the best part was that i had the bleedin key's in my it momentary lapse in concentration.....or something else........... i am a firm believer of reason........of science and facts..........people who know me will acknowledge the fact that i shall prove or disprove almost every and certain points of time where the confusions all go away and when the light is clear...................but one thing i'll tell you about me..........i am lost.....well pretty much lost.......i know my way back.....but don wanna go back........... well this is al i have for now.......till next time........bugger off!!1
Dreamy is 30 years old
7 years ago
Well, yours truly had asked rishida for some bloogin go aheads......and he basically replied "bhaat".....for anglophiles...."canned crap".....but here its served in a palatable way............i mean.....the pros n cons of ringin a bloody bell!!!!!!!!!
everyone misses people....thats why we strive for them and look forward to meet them aww i know what you mean...much as i dream of running away from home, i'd miss my family insanely *hugs*
firstly i didnt know u had a new blogspot link....
secondly too many "....." in ur post.... :-P
and thirdly include a subject for god's sake...or dont use any at all...not "log entry 002"...
and fourthly.... i luuuuuurved the post!!!!..... random and abstarct...even i do ring the bell at my house sometimes..when im berod and lonely....dotn ask me why??!!!
@ bablefish
i got company as prestiged as you.....i am for ever grateful
@ nunku
you ring the bell when you's bored.... dude....two words... shri nk(a)......
that's a polite end. :P
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