yeah ...initially i didn't write anything..... but now i gots me a lil to write about...
see *respect* to obama and all.... i know the dudes the dude..... seen a lot of his campaign.. well not a lot..... but enough for an indian..... see what i don get is why some ppl one facebook and other sites are all "vote for obama"... i mean all american ppl writin, that i get..... what.. oh what excuse do you indian have to fucking write "vote for obama" when that fuck's never voted for an indian election. i mean what is all this crap man...... i honesty have not voted for any election... aye i am neglecting my citizen's duty..... but i am in my way a lil fair....see i haven't issued my voter's id card....cause even if i do..... my vote will get fixed.... and i know this for a fact.... my dad's voted 6 years in a row..... only the first year did he leave the house to vote..... the next 3 he never left the house.... still "gave" his ballot....the next 2 he's been outside india..... still voted... so i rather not register ..... one less false vote i say that ways...... but but but.... i toh have never followed politics.... a lil but not enough to choose who to vote for... i mean the decision when it comes down to it is pretty difficult..... and i know enough politics to know the democrats are not pro indians.... but like it matters..... bush fucked it for all em republicans..... but but.... if you are an indian and never voted in india and and and are concerned about the american elections..... go fuck yourself .... sideways.... you lying piece of shit no good resident indian...... i hate posers... more than politics...... keepin it real is where its at....... look for the fuck ups in your own house before you go cleaning other peoples mess...... sheesh ship these ppl out man thats all i can say.....
Dreamy is 30 years old
7 years ago
I vote for Palin.She's hot.
Emnite Homer always for president.
Chaap nish na. Chhobi tulte thak.
I don't find Palin hot. She gives me nausea.
palin sucks.....i won't tell what....
mamata's is where its at!
Palin-fetish is better than didi fetish..
mamata gushti'r pindi...bheeech sala!!!!
wow man you are so naive to think that this election is not important. whether ur indian or american or what, this election signifies not just change but also a shift in a new direction. one that will not only affect americans but the rest of the world as well, not forgetting that fact that america controls and affects a lot of policies of the world. hence even us indians asking others to vote is actually THE smart thing to do. peace.
eric cartman for prez.
@ bharat
peace i will say first
then i get to.... shift in new direction?! which direction would you please tell me.... democrats are never pro-indians.... clinton was not... the only pro indian lobby in america are the republicans.... and they be shit... 5 years in america... i had to write letters to the senate for extra credit.... so believe me when i say... they be shit
..... now moving on
how the fuck am i naive... i never said the friggin elections were not important.... (god forbid...bush had two terms man... fuck that)... i just said "its fucked up how indians who don vote for india....encourage other people to vote for america"
you said :
"not forgetting that fact that america controls and affects a lot of policies of the world. hence even us indians asking others to vote is actually THE smart thing to do."
america controls what?! any indian who suggests a vote for the democrats are dumb man.... go thru the policies man... i feel sorry for the americans...who listen to us indians on how to vote (they be dumber than i thought).... we fucks don know shit... we only fix elections...
vote cause you know what you are voting for....what you are fightin for what you believe in... not cause a piece of shit from another country is pointin at a black man.. oo make him president...
face it man... the only reason we are so worked up about it cause of the friggin television, the endorsements, the publicity ... they try to get into the head... and guess what... if laloo got half of what obama campaign funds and a hottie like palin... he'd be the ruler of the world ... so help me god... and would do a better job
....fuckin naive.... fuck you
Umm.. long posts up there.. but the pics were superb :D
Keep it real
Raven doesn't know what she talks about. I actually feel sorry and angry about the American Indians.
They leave India after government pays on their subsidized education. and these supposedly amart alecs come to India and complain about the Infrastructure and dirt. Shit heads - Start paying some taxes before you even think that we will even heed your advice.
Start generating some jobs here for a change.
And don't think we will respect you just because you repatriate dollars to India.
Even people from Ivory coast living in France do that !
Obama getting elected is good news and bad news...
Good news that a black man has finally made it (forget Indians or even chinese)...
Bad news on outsourcing and Kashmir..
lol i just love how you proved my point about you in fact are naive. if you were not you would look beyond the endorsments, the tv and look at what the man is offering to you. I'm not saynig hes perfect or that he's gonna make america the greatest superpower again. what hes offering to do is try and make a change in our world. and if ur not willing to give someone even that much of a chance, lol dude i have no idea what you are even living for. life is about taking chances and making choices so as to have a better life for one self and you would be a seriously big loser if you believe that he would make the same dumb choices that Bush made (trust me i hate Bush more than you could ever even begin to comprehend).
anyways the fact that hes gonna bring a change should be enough to bring across some sort of trust.
and lol i aint about him being the first black president or anything and like how you just said im guessing ur pretty shallow in thinking so
and btw if i was in india right now and someone promising came along i would def support him/her, all the way.
haha and ur point is that america doesn't control anything.
the last two wars in the world were by america.
USA is paying pakistan so much each year for the (apparent) war on terror (regardless of what those fuckers are doing with the money).
The dollar pretty much owns the global market.
america went to war on Iraq regardless of what the UN's standoff was.
so i guess when you say america doesn't control shit.. lol well your just stupid to think they don't. i don't they call it a Superpower or something apparently.
Ofcoarse regardless of all this its cool i know you wont get it. just hard i guess for some people to comprehend somethings that are beyond your intelligence
and of coarse " ....fuckin naive.... fuck you "
its easy to grow a pair and try to abuse over the internet son. whole different ballgame as i have seen in real life so save it dude..
@ raven
1. world leader?! should the world get to vote?!
2. both laloo and bal can spell... believe you me... people came from harvard to hear the man speak....
3. ministers who look at your legs?! sheesh woman... we be men if you show legs we see legs.... you show boobies we see boobies... you have a smart mouth we'll listen to what you gotta say
4. those minister.... unfortunately are chosen by us
5. i sad that people have to research before writing a blogpost.. god knows how much of it you did to post a comment
6. any sensible candidate will have those "THREE" topics... what else is there
7. woman... you know what... fuck it.... do you know how much india has grown?! all you want is more and more... instead of more what we should look for is stability... while all fucks on the planet are shaking... we should just concentrate on staying stable...
8. don feel sorry for me.... don burden yourself... feel sorry for the country you were born in... to which you apparently don belong
lemme tie up the knots now.... i ain't email you shit... fuck that... i put up this to "my freinds" could read it.... if you knew how to read... you see i started off with
" *respect* to obama and all.... i know the dudes the dude..... "
i mean how sad is it that you picked this up from facebook... went through the entire shit... commented all balls.... and want me to email you?! go fuck your self... sideways
with people like you its better to stare at legs than the face... atleast the former is a lil more engaging
and thank you.... for reminding us all that "america controls the word" ooooooooooo
look out people... uncle sam is gonna get you :D
hee hee... fuck ....what fun
dumb Indian girl living in Kolkatta. Why the fuck is your location mentioned as US of A ?
and hey Dumb fuck Girl - everything I said earlier still stands....notwithstanding the fact that you are Indian and you don't know a shit about how the world economy works..
US - It's all about the Oil honey...
@ bharat
the "man" is not offering me anything....
what the fuck... i am for obama people... i just want you all to me a lil more for india...
learn how to read and interpret :D
@ sudip
she not american indian... ki chob allegations... she's a wannabe :D
hee haw!
oil and world domination.... sly bastards !
@ bharat
i'll get back to you on this... you atleast are engaging.
Pointless to argue with people who dont know what theyre talking about. They do nothing to improve the shit in their own country. That by itself is self-explanatory ! It has been this way for generations now, we run and bow to white skin.
I am proud to be Indian, regardless of the bad stuff.
@raven aka indian punjabi girl born in bangy,living in cal with an american degree......
"Barack Obama has 3 main topics of emergency. The economy, the war on Iraq and FOREIGN POLICY. And as you so clearly have pointed out, we are foreign.".....
havent we,havent we heard this line before????...lessay the last US elections and the one before that.Im thinking yeah.
It hasnt really changed a thing,you know.the foreign policy et al.
India,btw,still accounts for 1/5th of world poverty.
I'm sorry,but really what you are talking about is chicken shit.And im just being polite.
And oh,is that the reason you actually went to the 'US of A',cuz in 'I-N-D-I-A" the politicians oogle at ur legs?????
So please,next time,save us the bullshit about viewing the world through a keyhole with a glimmer of hope,cuz ull be sitting in a plush office earning dollars for the goddamn degree uve earned.We wont.So please,listen to ur NRI thing and bollywood drama and stop talking juvenile politics.
@bharat aka mr India.....
I work in an IT company,where the recession is supposedly majorly affecting me.I also work with an American client,with american holidays.I dont get an off on the Indian independence day and the repulic day.I can go on...yada-yada.
Out of curiousity,whenever i ask any of my fellow american workers about the political scenario in their country,I mainly get one answer "Both of the candidates are evil,its like supporting the lesser evil"
So yes,I'll be personal and say "yea,the US of A affects us but we dont really need to give a shit to them"
You want a change.Go put more trash cans on the Indian streets,try and help the people who really need it,stop being so fuckin dependant on the americans.Learn something from the Europeans.
I aint a communist,but there are things far important for indian citizens to adress to than US politics.
If you want the change,the change lies in India itself and
The US elections aint gonna help much.
umm....heh,Harvard or not, but yeh,it aint really a good time... :P
Lets be honest when we say this, US of A does have a large play in the globalization politico-multicultural scenario and to be completely ignoring it just cause we are Indians, that itself is a show of the fallacy we are living in.
Even within this rhetoric i will completely de-authenticate rishi's comment where he say's we who write support obama have never voted for an indian election. Contrary to that i have.
Quite a paradigmatic shift India has shown in the recent years as for sujoy saying obama is bad news for kashmir, i suggest u go and watch the news on what exactly is the likely stances that Obama will take in the Indian context.
Number one, more sanctions on the kashmir issue
Number two, clamp down on Pakistan terrorism ( if that isnt gud for india i have no clue what is)
Number three, as of now nothing on the outsourcing issue ( but that shouldn't trouble sujoy who does not respect anyone repatriating dollars to India.)
On a last note, please dont jump on people's back just cause they have an opinion separate from yours
Whats so great about Harvard ? Or you for that matter ?
Fight your own battles kid. Quit crying for back-up.They dont really care about your brain you know.
y r ppl commenting anonymously!?
y r ppl stating that indian politicians look at legs? if this is read, it might lead to a riot of sorts where confused Desi Wannabe Nri Chick, who inspired by our very desi mallika sherawat makes such "bold" well, stupid comments will be hunted down and burnt alive. which will lead to a lot of discomfort for DWNC. burns r never comforting.
there are so many goddamned loopholes in her explanations... it definitely needs more patience to even deal with all of what she has to say!!
best of luck to you roy! you need every bit of it.
the day the US establishment decided to interfere in matters related to global (and often Indian) issues, i made it my business to interfere in US politics.. i think thats fair isnt it my shortsighted little friend?
if some of us devote a little bit of our time beyond what happens in the para and into things a little more expansive, i think thats a good sign..
and besides... if a couple of words on somebody's facebook profile bugs you so much then youre up for a hard time in life.. check back tomorrow... they'll probably be replaced by something like 'i heart chocolate ice cream'... you wanna debate that?
take it easy champ.. just because youre not interested in something doesnt mean other people shouldnt be either... cheers :)
@ hypocrite
"if a couple of words on somebody's blog bugs you so much then your up for a hard time in life.."
cheers to ye too man!
Your blog is perfectly fine my friend.. in fact i think the photography is rather interesting...
the 29 'wisecracks' and the attitude that comes across through them are what cracked me up.. dont refer to indians as 'we fucks'.. or dont refer to yourself as an indian.. amongst other things..
but then you're right.. im probably being hypocritical.. i'll keep my fake lil self away from your blog.. you, in the meanwhile, should stick to your evanescence cds..
have a nice day :)
clap clap
what free time we all have
raise your hand all o you who have promoted indian politics on "social-networking" sites
this just in... i am not indian... and i can't refer to indians as "us fucks" ki bawaali .... nijeke khisti marle chaap.. onno ke khisti marle chaap.... and people decipher what people are from their blogs....
he he he.... what is the world coming to....
i shall now not give political jargon here... come to think of it the blog wasn't remotely political... hee hee
good times good times
now if the inidan parliament had a blog... sigh
none of you will visit it.. none ... one might just to prove a point .... hee hee
gettin back to the point...
palin over mamata anyday.... (not politically) ....wink wink nudge nudge
I spent more time reading the comments than the post...
anyway, obama and US presidential elections are important, but let's not take the concern to the extreme. When you do your RESEARCH right, the reasons are quite evident. It's just a very well-made propaganda that everything in USA affects India and the world. Maybe to a certain extent, but seriously, the "change" is still just a pre-election campaign strategy and not a guarantee that world affairs are going to radically improve again. A year or five years later things may still remain the same. The Americans must campaign for who they believe is right. Citizens of other countries don't have to. It finally doesn't make any difference and there is no surety that it will yield any amazing results.
And if we have Indian politicians who well, look at our legs (none have yet looked at mine, and I have met quite a few in the course of my work)that is because Indians spend more time looking at US presidential elections and choose good leaders for themselves.
And if India is still in a difficult condition, as many here have said, it is also because a lot of us spend more time observing and participating (quite futilely) in US affairs than in our country and it administrative, political and soico-economic affairs.
And since a course at Harvard is being flaunted such a great deal, I am sure we would like to know which degree has the student obtained from the esteemed institution?
It's fascinating how quick people are to take things out of context and begin a war when even a debate would have been unnecessary. Fascinating I tell you.
And I see there's been a comment-deleting spree as well.
I wish I had even one-eighth as much free time.
Anyway, Obama's won now. But will the debate still go on?
@ so
hi5 woman....hi5
@ P
this is wholesome family entertainment.... you don want it... but can't get enough of.
good show people and
joy jawan joy kisan !
deleting spree also.... ki drama i tell ya...i give this comment section and not so much the blog a whole 7.5/10
clap clap
good show
There was perfectly nothing wrong with the debate (heated up or not).
the 29 wisecracks that cracked you up actually happened cuz there are indians,yes,'we fucks',are more concerned in offering our support to the US president before he has actually done something for our country.
And there is actually a great deal of difference between discussing world politics (only the US,acc to most indians) and actually going out of ur way to support the US presidential candidate.I like Obama,I wanted him to win cuz he's black and a muslim and it wud reflect a change in the US.But about how much it would actually affect our country comes later,much later.It wud be stupid of anyone,non-US,to support someone before he has actually done something benficial to our own country.
After everything I mean,isnt blogs supposed to be personal and all that.Do we really have to eat gooey shit cuz someone dsnt like the US presidential elections.Since when has it been not ok for someone to echo out personal feelings in a blog.its coffe stain's blog,his wish,his opinions.Period.
And on a lighter note,I like your site.I really do.But since we are on the topic,selling cool tees,listening to rock 'n roll,being hip and smoking up dosnt really qualify as being revolutionary. :)
Not to disturb the very entertaining argument here but Obama isn't a muslim.
braaathar *man hug* you make mossad proud....
we dare to question man... not just that we friggin "make sence".... revolution or not... change is a comin .... so fuckitty not and shendiketup!
hee hee
moo.... choriye chis baal :D
chi chi
nongra :D
hussain middle name hole e muslim... chi chi... black to bujhlam pride e bolchis ..ones own aabar :D
oyee,muslim family....almost same thing.....In a Christian dominated country,how many people get that chance too!!!!??? :P
full points for attempting to put forth your own point of view my friend, and i might even agree on the non-voting in this country, its the same reason i haven't had my voter card made as yet, but isn't it a little harsh and short-sighted to not worry about who's in office across the ocean?
the reason people all over the world and mainly India are so concerned about who wins the election is because yes, it does affect the intricacies and working of OUR lives. which political party holds the seat of power in a country who's financial situation is currently eating into our own pockets plays a big role in our life. we should all be aware and concerned about the goings on of the world and the political situations around us because they do ultimately affect our life.
as for this phrase: "if you are an indian and never voted in india and and and are concerned about the american elections..... go fuck yourself .... sideways" if i can point out the fact that you yourself don't seem to have voted in india, that statement is hypocrisy at its best, and it makes you a worse person that those so called posers because atleast they are aware of how the world is functioning, while here you are using to many periods in one paragraph to qualify as intellectually sound.
@king of fools
point to be noted:No one is saying that we are not concerned about the elections.It does ultimately affect our lives in whatver you may say ...whther it be outsourcing or the nuclear deal or the economy.Blame it on the great Indian dependance on the American but Yes,it WILL affect us.
What I am saying is....But to randomly support someone,just cuz he's a Obama or a McCain or a Bush or a Gore or a Clinton,at this stage,isnt it a bit hasty? I mean,if you supported McCain and Obama wins,will you go about throwing tantrums.No,you wont,cuz its no point rooting your support for someone who does not help your country.If you look at the last elections,there were quite a majorityof the Indian people who have been going against Bush,but then who got the nuclear deal done.
For the country's sake,lets all be a bit selfish and think of only our gain.Not the US.
I dont want to be intellectually sound neither have I studied political science,but I know one thing for sure,if you dont vote in India,how on fuck's sake are you concerned about the US elections.
How about talking more on the issue of corruption and poverty and breaking age-old shackles and the Indian industry,rather than shouting out slogans like "Go Obama or Go McCain",what good does that help?
The stage of support is long gone. Yes, there were a number of people who climbed on the Obama bandwagon just to get in on the action, but a number of us people who actually supported Obama for his policies regarding a number of issues.
Sure, he has some non-agreeable policies, but we have to remember we cannot hope that each side will have ONLY the points the general public agrees to. The reason most people dont vote in India is because here its a choice between the lesser of a few evils, but in the end its another evil entity in office who doesnt really give a rats ass about the people.
Everyone talks about the age-old issues of corruption et al, but in the end we are the first to be glad and to use this loophole. All we have is an action or revolution for the namesake, while in actuality we cannot hope to change. A wise man once said, that change is only possible when the people want it. The people in our country dont want it, which is why we support any movement which is giving a support and valid chance to change for the good, THIS is why we support Obama, because it gives us hope for ourselves. Around the world people follow the example of america, and to see a sensible person in office is and example we can all emulate.
This is the reason of supporting and in reality voting where able for Obama, because it gives us a chance to hope for the same change to happen in our country. Its not about blind support, its about this person giving us a renewed trust and life in the political system. The support is not just for the person, but the ideal he embodies.
@ all
get a life people
go outside... smell the fresh air people
sheesh.... moving on
Life is an illusion.
The Air is polluted.
And we're in constant motion.
Philosophy is the best fall-back IMHO...
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