Tuesday, August 26, 2008


comic relief i mean.... its another thing that i do... a lot of.... i like it and it become so me thats now a days it comes naturally..... wind , snow or rain.... i have one for every occasion ..... every time... i make em work would be vanity... but like i care..... i pull it off i say..... :P
i be besh besh these days..... content and focused .... which is good..... a lil of a lot a things can do that to you... its good to take pictures again..... its just chuggin the big mofo all over the place..... if you can do it... it well worth it...... damn lazy genes i got.... sigh what to do now
oo oo remember to breathe .... i almost forgot.... by far the best ice breaker..... almost shatters if i don say so me self

Monday, August 18, 2008


some days are better than others .. one thinks to dwell in the moment but time ...they say is like sand in your hand.... the more you try to clasp on to it... it still manages to squeeze through ... lil by lil.... me being me.... still look on the bright side...... if you get your hand wet enough ....the sand will stick... even if for a while.... but its a loop hole... its what i do... its what i am good at.... finding loop holes to make life a lil better..... but what to do when you don want to make life better..... when you don need to make it better... you know... bask in it
we always find something to blame..... and i don blame time.... i mean how can i... it was my time and i was glad.... "foundations i say"...... but glad.... what do you when you don have anyone or anything to blame...... i say circumstances are what butter^&% us.... as a karma-ist put it once if i correctly remember......

illusions are what we all are after...... some stay content just looking at them..... there are some who want to take a closer look and then the butter#$#'s who obsess about it....
i mean illusions can just stay that way for so long...... if and when you find the meaning .... and there never always is one .... you see you know you gets..... its a risk i say is worth taking.... but but..... its only the illusions i refer too....and then some more

in the bhog of ma!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

lil things

aye the lil things.... thats all i have to say
well on second thought..... the lil things and then some more :P

dreamer's dream as the heavy clouds pass by...... the rain soaks the air dries....the rain soaks again.....and one thought and no thinking ...none what so ever... as the clouds passed on by......life ij hard.....it is.... but its the lil things that makes it better....worthwhile ...the lil things and then some more

Saturday, August 2, 2008

change man....change

he had been up there before..... more times than he wished he could remember.... for a person who not only is as slothful as a slug but also as emotionless as the parliament's speaker ...it was quite a climb..... way form ground to the heights where he would sit and contemplate things he'd never do..... dream of things he'll never have.... he'd stare out into the world with dim lights... the chaos of traffic..... the distant quarrels of things forgotten....things of almost no value..... and feel normal...that was his escape... that was where he felt one with the world...... but that was then...
things passed by....some people zoomed by..... but he remained in his place.... thats what he was good at... thats what he had grown used to.... thats what was the story then.... then
life is strange that way..... you look back sometimes to see where you were..... and all you can see is this trail o someone who resembled you.... that is if you choose to look back...

but now....now
he'd lean against the wind, pretend that he was weightless, and in that moment he was happy...happy.... he'd lay his head onto the floor, the sky resembled a backlit canopy ith holes punched in it...she counted UFOs and he'd signal them with his lighter and in this moment he was happy...happy
he looked to his left.....and he kept looking... the world sublimated.... the stars suddenly grew brighter..... the sounds drowned out.... and he cud see.... just see..... there was this aura bright and yellow..... he stared at it..... thinking how and when... he sat there engulfed in the light...the warmth.... too scared to move....too scared too lose it.....lose the light he'd been waiting for so long..... he felt like a deranged man following a single firefly amongst a million....he knew it would be tough.... but he kept his eye on the one that mattered....... hoping to clasp it ...and keep it for as long as he can....

we miss landline..... please comment here to encourage (we-want-landline-hotline)

n.b. All proceeds go to charity. People one comment is all we as....flattery be key.....you are more than welcome to comment more.. after all without blog where will all people like up (ie lacking social life is too harsh a word....we be just lazy i suppose)
this be family ...we must look after our own