Wednesday, June 11, 2008


i think i am happy..... only think tho.... the problem with this feeling is that it is generally very short-lived....its there one moment and gone the next.... without even leaving a scent of its existence. its strange how we always look out for our luck to run out when we are feeling lucky... .. i suppose its only normal or thats what i'll keep telling myself that till it comes to a point where i don have to worry anymore......
so whats new.... hmm i got another tattoo.... i tend to spend money pretty smoothly these days.... and before someone asks for a treat or anything else....... i wanna come forward and tell em that the liquid cash scenario has pretty much dried off.... i got work... maane serious work this time.... responsibility and all.. the whole deal. i must admit it feels nice to have work.... but ladh time ta considerably kome jaaye...... but hey you can't have everything rite..... my house is still a mess.... mom will be here in exactly two weeks....... i know.....eek!!!
i am thinking of adopting a kitty again.......pets make living alone a bit easier.....a bit... lil bit.... i have no idea for the name for him......
and i again ask for suggestions...... and i hope ppl can suggest anything but the names of our unborn children........

its a him!!! no pansy ass sissy names........

oo and this is my 99th post i think.......... so the next one will be the supar-dupar-bampar kaal boishakhi ishpecial............... i am quite amazed i lasted this long considering the lazy factor.

i have been partying a lot...... but then that was for two weeks only...vacation you see..... so here i introduce..... in black and white.......the one..... the only........ "lil clint" aka moo......

ze bird and her stallion blue
ze otter
ze perpetual PJ

"ze drunks"
also known as honu and yoda