Wednesday, October 31, 2007

the hair cut

you know those stories were the moral is at the end.......well this ain't one o them... i'll give you the moral at the start and then continue to blabber.
THE MORAL : Never....I repeat Never go to a salon when high.

now for the was a bandh so i got myself a much needed hair cut...... i am one of those individuals that solely rate a salon on the massages and not how well they cut the hair.... so today i thought i'd huff and puff in the afternoon and end up to my regular cuttin house......where the ambiance is great...there's always an update all the hot topics in and around our block.... the formal "ki korcho........eee ma chul to cholei gelo........kota pota le......" these tend to be the question of the hour.... i was too zapped to formally answer be specific i think i gave myself away trying to answer those questions...... see this is a very normal place......three seats.....small ac....which i have seen ever since i'v been goin there.....15 buck hair cut....10 buck shave....and a 15 buck massage (for regulars and patrons).....40 bucks of bliss.... i generally doze off in those comfy hair cut took 5 mins......normal.....not to be surprised....... then he asked me if i wanted "this" i say "this" cause i was in a half trance... and strolling down euphoria blvd....... so i say yes goin back to my trance... suddenly feel this ice cold towel on my face...... i practically jumped outta the seat......the cold soon became bearable, then went a friggin wad of god knows what on my face...."don open your'll sting" helll.....i opened em as soon as he was finished..... and well it with eyes wide shut i was told to sit for ten mins...... background e the music was obscenely pathetic.......i could figure out prosenjits ominous dialog deliveries.... with a 'phant here....a sigh there" question to who it was....... the dialogs were stringed with equally bad in-between music.......which jumped from ......remorse to joy......again and again till the scene my delight my guy returned...... wiped the shit off my face......and got on with the shave.... all the time i kept interjecting "oi massage bhulle kintu hobe na"....... after the shave.... he again puts some cream on my face....then drenches me in rose water......oh how i hope to god it was rose water.......and in the distance i heard this buzzing came nearer and nearer.. i knew what it was......what i didn't know was it was kaput.....but in working condition...... now that went all over my face.....rattles all the bones......i squirmed everytime it went over the adam's apple...i mean i know its there don't have to prove it....... then the inevitable had to happen....with that cream on my face....some bugger was caught trying to steal a bike.... sheesh... this is like hoTTTT for all the sorry people there no naturally everyone....yes including my napit rushes to the scene.....i sat alone......... a good 10 mins later.....they all came was nursing himself cause he was in the front line pulverizing the sorry fuck...... and was caught by friendly fire...... i insisted that i had some very important thing to go to..... finally comin to "customer first mode"....he quickly got on with the rest...and the end result was a 230 buck receipt...and the cordial...."next kobe ascho"....i cudn't help but laugh at his face..... i looked at the clock... i had been in there for 2+ hours......and all i could remember were the hair falling.... shaving brush...and the pounding on my back.......and sayin yes to everything....the bastard trimmed my brows too....and it hurt....i remember that..... from now one the salon is a sober zone!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

back back

i am back.......
back home
to living alone
but come monday
cometh dida
after which
i'll have to stay sidha
pujo was awesome
but all good things end
but there's always something new around the bend?!


bottom line: ferot ashtaisi

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

well i am off.....

off i go into the paddy......into the village.....where the grass is green the evenings long..... time stays still and no ones on the pill......i go into serenity...although...i feel elated.... i do feel sad for the ppl who couldn't make it......shubho bijoya to you all and may ye all have a gala time....cheers.... for the ppl who wanna reach me....they know where to call..... for those who don't.... don worry i wudn't have picked up anyways.......


Sunday, October 14, 2007

the reunion

seven.....its a bad number for some.....but for us it was bliss........ seven friends...nostalgia oozing out fueled with some beer and some stamina sticks.... ahh.... it was a surreal.... the masks came off....we were mere people for some moments....old friends lost in tie reunited by the only bengali festival strong enough to summon us all....... i hoped time would freeze....that 7pm would remain 7pm for the rest of eternity but alas al good things must come to an end......apart for the driving bit i enjoyed the day....after a long time i can say the day went well........we only hope to reunite again....but this time we all will be in water!

Monday, October 8, 2007

frig.....frig frig firg

hmm.....shud i start cribbin now or shall i wait for the middle of the post....where ppl generally slip the crib in...... nah...i start from the second line......if this infact ends up as the second line..... the weather.....the friggin weather.....when i go to bed...i don wanna sleep.....when its time to get up... i don wanna get up...... is it me or is the cool shift shiftin already......i hate weather changes.....thats cause the only illness that i am prone to get is the cold.....not to jinx my immune system....but its always been the cold thats toppled me..... no measels nor mumps can get to me......but the friggin cold always does...... and i believe cold on cold gets rid of the cold......don't work that way it seems... tonsils throb.....i dunno why/how they are still workin.... i am surviving on 6 extension wire's... see i kinda....well...managed to brake the switch board in the most important room in my the room with the comp/tv/closest to the bath-room/fridge...and other stuff..... and in the process of savin money...i tried to salvage the situation.....only to short circuit the entire room..... you think drinkin and drivin is bad...... never be a cheappu when not one but 7 switches are in play and you can't tell the blue wire from the red wire.....that is until you accidentally touch it.....its sad to say that this isn't gonna be the last of my friends bought a new phone.....with 3.2 MP camera and optical a friggin cell phone......i mean......very J...i have books to return...kintu the idea of goin all the way to camac street is killin me...i mean....i have lost all touch with that part of the city....when i practically matured there and center is a bad bad place...pujo'r bazar has set me off quite number of K's .....i shud have been cheap with my gifts, i am sayin cheap too many times...frig.. generally am not a cheap-o..kintu sheesh...i went over board with the spendings... although as the pujo goes on....i shall be reimbursed from time to time....moms sick again to thats another thing on my's off to las vegas for a 5 day conference....i won't comment on that....(lucky %#@#@).... by younger brother is sendin me videos of his school cheer-leaders... its nice to see cheer-leaders actually cheerin for a change......and was really glad that he sent me that instead of what i thought he was sendin me...... thank god.... i still like to think he's got a wiff of innocence still about him.....but the next mail proved me wrong....i am afraid i have taught my little brother too much.....i am starting to think of him as a better lookin and updated version of me.....oh almost forgot...with a full set of hair......... but i suppose i still have age on my side.... the nine year gap we have seems to be closing quickly.....i want to go off to the village .....find peace see green....fields of paddy i mean..... huh...its that time of the year already.....the incense....the lights......the aaroti's....the thick smoke screen of the dhunochi's......the sindur mixed with mustard oil stains all over the dhuti...... mom's not gonna be there to curse me when ever i wipe my fingers on the dhuti.....when i get blood smeared all over's sarcasm.....his utter silence when he know's he's drunk too much......then actually trying to open up and talkin to me as an adult....and me actually having a hefty mature conversation with him.....him drunk me zonked....the spit fights with that runt of a younger brother...a family affair without my family...huh...frig frig frig....aah well as long as the smoke rises from the sticks of reason...this epiphany will continue ....

my obituary is gonna say this.....

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

is it just me?!

lemme start off by saying that today advertisements in india have taken a turn towards some sort of an improvement....dont get me wrong...there are still some that i hate...some that are simply daft! but i dunno if you all see as much tv as i do.....but there is this reliance ad. goin around.....the theme is that in india every one had advise for everyone....but no one goes outof their way to do anything about it....rhyme nor reason plane gyaan... free of cost.....the 1min 30 sec ad sums up india in a nutshell and although the whole thing could have been done a lil better.....its fine the way it came out. at times everyone would agree that this is true.....its an integral part of a particular generation and their offsprings...... i do it at times.....not to be a hypocrite, but i know when to say what and who to say it it...... then comes along a pompous lil 20 year ol'.....tellin me who to write my my fuckin blog......i like i'll keep on writin the way i wish.....i mean givin advise on how to write blogs to others...... jesus its my friggin log i can write gibberish for all that matters..... to many friggin dots......fuck i mean get a friggin life ........don't like it....don't read it.....piss off and let me be...... don't go puttin your nose where it don't belong..... don't ruffle the friggin feathers if ye don't know what kinda bird it is.
i might sound really insensitive.......but i believe i am not......thats what counts.....its ppl like this that make tick.....i mean the fuckin audacity.....i believe that some ppl are plain an simple sad....get a life or get laid....and if you don't like what you get......get the fuck out.... b-bye......
blog e o criticism.....this is supposta to be fun....not clinical........sick sick sick..... i feel like punching someone! have't felt this jittery since kaalrav......(coll. fest).......
i have enough friends as it is.....and i am not keen on takin advise.....ask my dad!

to all others good night and god speed!